Twelve Months of Abhaya fearless Yoga | Paschimottanasana

Our bodies contain a lot of wisdom. Martha Graham, a brilliant pioneer of modern dance, said, “The body never lies.” Our bodies are full of truth! If we practice tuning […]

Twelve Months of Abhaya fearless Yoga | Janu Sirsasana

In yoga, one of the benefits of forward bending postures is lowering anxiety.
Try out janu sirsasana a.k.a. head towards knee posture, which is a seated forward bend.

Twelve Months of Abhaya fearless Yoga | Gomukhasana

This month we decided to re-feature gomukhasana due to its complicated nature. We’ve added refinement to the instructions and additional pictures to show the side and back views of the posture.

Improve Your Relationships with Partner Yoga

“Partner yoga is the medium to building stronger communication and intimacy between human beings in any relationship,” explains Cain Carroll, “Postures and flow sequences are designed to bring communication into a tangible, physical form, and help you witness the dynamic of relationships.”

Yoga and Mindful Awareness | Interview with Carla Stangenberg

Sometimes I feel like an idiot savant, born to teach yoga, but still you have to practice, practice, practice. Pattabhi Jois, who founded Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, says, “Practice and all will come.” Keep practicing and you will find out…

Twelve Months of Abhaya fearless Yoga Asana | Gomukhasana

As the seasons change, we begin to transition from warmer to cooler weather, longer days to longer nights, and the high energy of summer to the dwindling energy of autumn.

This month’s posture, Gomukhasana, or Cow Face Posture, gives us an opportunity to explore balance—in our arms, legs, and hips. As we explore balance in our bodies, may we find more space for balance in our lives as we begin to slow down with Autumn.

Twelve Months of Abhaya fearless Yoga Asana | Kapotasana

Kapotasana, also known as Pigeon Posture, is one of the backbends and hip openers of the Warrior Series. It is a great posture for finding opening in the thighs, abdomen, shoulders, heart center, and particularly the hips.

Twelve Months of Abhaya fearless Yoga Asana | Dvipada Pitham

As we work towards creating another world, transforming from the inside out, we will likely encounter stress. Stress in our bodies, stress in our minds, stress in our relationships, and on and on. Practice Dvipada Pitham, Two-legged Desk, to help mitigate the current and future stress we may experience.

Twelve Months of fearless Yoga Asana | Salabhasana

The fourth Asana (posture) in the fearlessYoga flow, is “Salabhasana” or “Locust Posture.” This ‘baby backbend’ posture helps us to strengthen the muscles of the spine, buttocks, and the backs of the arms and legs. It also stretches the shoulders, chest, belly, and thighs. Some additional benefits include improving posture, stimulating abdominal organs, and stress relief.

Twelve Months of fearless Yoga Asana | Utkatasana

We’ve made it past January, with our intentions and goals set. We’ve realigned and refocused for the upcoming year. Now its time to put those things in motion. Its time to be fierce or “powerful” in taking the confidence and happiness we’ve manifested to the next level with intention.

Twelve Months of fearless Yoga Asana | Tadasana

Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose, is the best place to start on our new goals and resolutions as it promotes confidence, happiness, and helps us create space in our bodies. Let’s start and begin the new year with an emphasis on foundation and confidence.

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