newDharma Talk | Be Deeply Yourself in the World

To find who we really are, to be balanced, we already know we have to start with Practice. But most of us believe that all of that practice is on the cushion. Well, to GET balanced, we have to BE balanced even-—especially in Practice. Check out this dharma talk that shows the value of an ancient teaching about practice on and off the cushion.

newDharma Talk | Atonement

During retreats and ceremony at the Center participants recite the Verse of Atonement. It helps us reflect on all of who we have been so that we can completely accept all of who we are. This particular talk gives us a chance to consider what it might mean to integrate all parts of ourselves: the ugly, the pretty, the humble, the forceful.

newDharma talk | True Community

True Community (transcription of talk given by Rev. angel Kyodo williams, 2006) It’s funny how that happens…when everything is a metaphor for our lives. We do things in a certain […]

newDharma Talk | Being Natural

This talk was originally given by Rev. angel Kyodo williams in 2006 at the New Dharma Meditation Center in Oakland, California.  The Center’s focus is dedicated to supporting the inner […]

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