Why Health Officials Want You to Eat More Potassium

High blood pressure is one health risk that is notorious within the black community. Diet and exercise and managing stress are the three things that come to mind when it […]

10 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

The flu has hit harder this year than any time in recent memory. It’s affecting the population so much on the East Coast and South East that New York State […]

Self-Care & Activism | Suggestions for Alleviating Burnout

Inspired by an article we recently included in transform., “An End to Self Care” by B. Loewe, I started searching for resources on self-care. I found a ton of sites, […]

What to do when you didn’t get any sleep (& crawling back in bed is not an option).

I love sleep; it’s a delicious pleasure. I don’t have any trouble sleeping, normally. I sometimes have trouble going to bed. And lately, my daughter has been waking up on […]

Occupy the Dam | Brazil’s Indigenous Uprising

Wellness and being well extends beyond us to the earth. And, of course, what we do to the earth affects all of us. Dams are noted for their destruction of […]

Post-Election Self-Care | A Reminder of Its Benefits

Regardless of our level of involvement in the presidential election, we’ve most likely found our attention being pulled outside of ourselves in both enlivening and exhausting ways. After the pre-recorded […]

How Voting Affects Your Health

Voters on Election Day not only hold the fate of democracy in their hands when they step into the voting booths. Casting a ballot can also have subtle effects on […]

Trees Transform

Written & contributed by Shepherd Bliss Morning: Listening Trees transform, shield, shade and provide oxygen, fruit, and beauty. They offer many other gifts. Without trees, humans would not survive. Through […]

As Colorado River Dries Up, The West Feels The Pain

Listen to the story about the Colorado River, a water source which many people in the country rely on for both water and electricity. Learn why its drying up and […]

Breaking the Sugar Habit | 4 Simple Strategies

It’s hard not to love the taste of sugar. Not only is it in just about everything, our bodies, on some level, need it. Most of us, however, tend to […]

Pollution, Poverty, People of Color | The Factory on the Hill

In early August there was a huge refinery fire in Richmond. Eight miles away you could see the smoke and hear the constant sirens into the night. The fire brought […]

Better Eating Through Mindfulness

Deborah Hill used to think she was skinny. Her 5 foot 9 inch frame could take on a lot of weight without making her look out of shape. But last […]

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